Technology Intelligence
Telsphere is a SQL database-driven web application that combines Technology Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Bill Presentation, and Reporting into one platform. The driving force behind Telsphere is the aggregation and normalization of client data points into easy to manage, clear view reporting of the customers overall spending across their monthly services. Telsphere also provides a wealth of custom reporting, trending, editing, and analysis tools to further manage assets
Technology Intelligence (TI) enables access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance across your telecom services.
- Multidimensional aggregation and allocation
- Standardization
- Customized reporting
- Interfacing with Carrier data sources
- Key performance and trending indicators
- Process management
- Telecom asset management
Data discovery creates and utilizes interactive reports and explores data from multiple sources. Data warehousing enables Telsphere to store and archive your data over the lifetime of your billing processes. Telsphere is value oriented for your organization. Central data management and views from one easy to understand portal instead of multiple carrier portals and sifting through files. Telsphere provides a uniform, user-friendly experience to review, analyze, and work with the data you need.

Enhanced bill presentation with the ability to drill down multiple layers on any type of service, carrier, account, cost center, location, site, or number.
Custom reporting in the form of pre-built reports for Accounts Payable, Inventory, Equipment, as well as Custom Report Builders.
Reducing the complexity of managing your monthly data into a single, intelligent system that automates data loading, AP creation, determining saving, and allows you to focus on optimizing your resources.
Streamline your entire telecom asset management with Telsphere’s user friendly tools designed to assist telecom professionals manage their assets and equipment.